Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Nursing Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nursing Education - Essay Example Further it will seek to discuss the current system of nursing education, post graduate (masters) education and reflections on nursing education in Kenya and Ireland. Nursing in Kenya before 1950s was being operated by individuals who had no structure that was convectional; this was based on the fact that poverty level was high. As the result of the poverty level, it was impossible to train and equip nurses with the required nursing practices. The fact that nursing lacked convectional structure meant that government support was not offered and thus nobody could stand and call for national strike which would pressure the government to support nursing organizations (Chinn, 1994 p 30). The well wishers from the United Kingdom provided running support and thus pressure mounted and effort to have legislation on nursing started. It was in 1983 when the first documented legislation Nurses Act Cap 257 was passed by all the nurses’ council of Kenya so that their right and demand could be aired in a manner that was respectable. In 1980s, Kenya Registered Community Health Nurse (KRCHN) was registered and the aim was to train the nurses so as to provide comprehensive care to the entire communities who were supposed to be served. In 1990s diseases which were complex like cancer, HIV/AIDS among others started to emanate. This made cap257 to be emphasized on to make sure that nurses were equipped and effectively trained. In Ireland, the political and legislative act dates back in 1900 where nursing was developed earlier due to the government and other stakeholders support. The first legislation in Ireland was passed in 1919 while in Kenya it was passed in 1950s which was termed as Nurses Registration Act which was later known as Nursing Council for Ireland (Kelly and Joel, 1996 p 97). The act ensured that practices and other high professional competence in nursing were

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Unilever Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Unilever Company - Essay Example The current nonexecutive director of the dual companies is Michael Treschow while the chief executive of the company is Paul Polman. The company has a sizeable slice in London stock exchange and has a rank of the eighteenth position in the stock exchange as at the close of 2011 (Murphy 2009). Back ground information Unilever Company began its operations at the start of 1930. The pioneers include Samuel Bergh, Antonius Johannes Jurgen and William Lever. This was through the amalgamation of two businesses, where the British soap makers who were the Level brothers came together with the Dutch margarine producer who was Margarine Unie in 1927. The amalgamation of the two companies was strategic in terms of the commercial benefit it would provide. This is basing on the fact that, for the production of margarine and soaps, there would be a requirement of palm oil thus the importation of palm oil, which was a key raw material, would be fast and in large quantities. This would help reduce th e number of times the product would require transportation as well as reduce the custom taxes due to importation. The palm oil in use by the companies was from Belgian Congo, where they had procurement of seven fifty thousand hectares of the forest land from where there was the extraction of palm oil. This was by labourers whose working conditions were poor as well as the labourers getting low pay. At the beginning of 1930, the Unilever business empire went global opening branches in Latin America and Africa where the initial business had taken root. During the year, there was acquiring of restraints so as to increase the company’s operations, soon after acquiring the shares, there was the sale of shares by the management so as to make an expansion in the operations of the business. By then the company was making edible fats and soaps leading to much income by the business. The purchasing of the Chesebrough-pond’s company, there was strengthening of Unilever Company. T he expansion of the Company was due to purchasing of Calvin Klein Company that was in the making of Cosmetics as well as the Farbege and Elizabeth Arden companies. The expansion has led to making of a headquarters for all its operation worldwide which is in London. The name rises up fully in the 1990s, and getting a complete charter and becoming the Unilever Company (Wilson 2009). Issues in staffing and training and development The company has the right staffing solution. To get a preview on this, there is consideration of the various issues that the company has put into place including; compliance where the employees sign contracts that show there compliance in working towards a common goal for the well being of the business. Compliance is essential for the development of the organisation in that the employees know what the management requires thus works hard to comply with the standards of the company set by the management. Another issue is retention where the company retains the working conditions of the company, by ensuring that the employees work in an able environment thus they do not have to move to other fields. Retention of their initial name and logo has come ensures that the company